SAT Test Prep & Test Coaching

Strong test scores improve acceptance rates, even at test-optional schools. SAT test prep is a specialized service that usually requires more than just harder study. The high success rate of our test prep and coaching at Hillman & Associates involves a holistic approach that includes individualized study focus and tutoring, anxiety and mindfulness coaching, confidence skills and more! SAT Test prep can be a genuinely rewarding part of the college admissions process. Students tell us that tracking the upward trajectory of their scores and their personal development is a point of pride and a reflection of their hard work.

Hillman & Assoc SAT Test Prep & Coaching Process

At its most basic level, SAT test prep results in improved test scores; and improved test scores results in improved acceptance to colleges and advanced programs. But there are many reasons why any individual may not reach their full potential on tests. Score improvement, then, requires a surgical specificity that group classes simply cannot provide. Using the Forum Lens platform, our trained instructors analyze individualized data in order to target each student’s precise needs. Fixing conceptual errors, working on pacing and timing, and teaching test-taking strategies are essential focal points. Since test anxiety is a barrier for many, we also offer mindfulness coaching and various life skills coaching techniques to improve overall confidence. Ultimately, our SAT test prep programs are designed to build scores AND skills for all of life!

Once we set a baseline with our free and instantaneous diagnostic tests, we determine an ACT/SAT advantage (for college applicants), and propose a plan so students can reach their score goals. Our instructors are skilled in digital and paper test prep.

We offer SAT test prep as well as test prep for the following standardized tests:

  • PSAT

  • SAT

  • ACT

  • LSAT

  • SSAT

  • ISEE

  • GMAT

  • AP and more